Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio



Xinhui Hu

Trend China


Because luxury brands compete on a globalized scale, Louis Vuitton and Chanel stand for France, Bottega Veneta and Prada speak for Italy, while Muji and Uniqlo represent Japan. TREND intends to foster a genuinely Chinese brand.
The question is: How can a Chinese luxury brand be developed with the aim to redirecting Chinese consumer behavior towards an appreciation of their own cultural potential?

Triggered by the psychological needs of Chinese consumers, TREND investigates in a log-term positioning of a palpable Chinese brand in an international luxury market that conquers consumers’ hearts and minds by marrying genuinely Chinese assets with genuinely Swiss assets.

Xinhui Hu

Institut Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio, HGK FHNW, Freilager-Platz 1, Postfach, CH-4023 Basel
+41 61 228 40 66,,